About Us

PCPartsPH is a Philippine based online store offering PC and Laptops Parts to Corporate and Individual end-users, who demand value for money. We have been existing since 2011 and have served thousands of satified customers. We are the online store of choice way before Lazada, Shopee, and others and moreso now.

PCPartsPH’s goal is to deliver a wide variety of PC and Laptops Parts, we are starting with Laptop Batteries but surely, more product choices will follow in the near future – making it easy for you to shop all your PC and Laptop Parts needs at one place. PCPartsPH can take your orders 24/7 and send them to you via meet-ups or thru courier having a nationwide delivery network. Deliveries are made on the same day or on the next day the latest.

PCPartsPH order direct from manufacturer in the United States and Other Asian Countrues, giving us low prices for volume orders and adding that up with lower overhead on online store have enabled us to offer tbest prices to you – our customers.

So Shop Now and with Confidence!
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